Monday 19 March 2018

RABBIT's leaving

Oh chicken fried aubergines! I really do not know what to think. I am all turmoiled inside. Mummy told me this afternoon that RABBIT was leaving. I didn’t say anything. I just sat there concentrating really really hard because there was a yippee jumping up and down inside of me but I wouldn’t let it come out. I think I’m supposed to be sad that RABBIT is going but I’m not. I know he was only trying to be friendly with all his hugs but he was so big and clumsy. And I am only a little owl. The truth is, RABBIT scared me.

And so I put on the bestest sad face I could. And then I just sat there. And I didn’t say anything.

I think Mummy thought I was really really sad and she tried to cheer me up by telling me that we were never going to be RABBIT’s permanent home and that a foster home had been found for RABBIT and that if RABBIT fitted in well, which Mummy thought would be the case, his new family would adopt him!

Mummy asked me if I would like to say any last words to RABBIT before he left. Oh boy! Talk about my brain being in overdrive! It had to think really quickly. I didn’t want to lie, but I didn’t want to make RABBIT sad either. So I told RABBIT that it was difficult for me to express how I felt about him leaving.

I think RABBIT thought I was very sad because he gave me one of his giant hugs - fortunately I saw it coming and took a great big breath before he grabbed hold of me and squeezed me tightly. And then he put me down, hopped out of the dining room and stood at the top of the stairs waiting for Mummy to take him to his new home.

I may never see RABBIT again. Why does that not make me sad? Am I such a dreadful owl for feeling this way???