Friday, 23 June 2017

What ever happened to our mailbox???

Oh baby aubergines. Bundles of them. I am so very much overcome with distraughtness.

Our mailbox has been damaged! Mummy and Daddy found it all bent over this morning.

Who would do such a dreadful thing?
Where will all my fan mail be delivered to?
Why did it have to be our mailbox?
Why did this have to happen to me?

Mr Smiley Face Sunshine thinks it probably happened because of a great big cyclone but having been in the centre of a cyclone (see blog entry "Of Mud and Donuts" dated 25th April 2017), I feel that I speak from experience and can say with confidence that we did not have a cyclone last night.

I think it was probably vandals but Oxford says that it is unlikely to have been vandals because although we don’t live in a vandal-proof town, we don’t get very many bad things happen.

Oxford is probably right but if it wasn’t vandals then what happened???

Mummy says that the post the mail box was attached to was very very old and rotten and it just fell over all by itself. I asked Mummy how old the post was and she said about 23 years.

Oh dear!

Mummy and Daddy are waaaay older than that. I wonder if they are going to go rotten and fall over too!!

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